Yusaku Kamekura – ADC Hall of Fame

Yusaku Kamekura - ADC Hall of Fame

Few designers achieve more than a half century of professional longevitylet alone continue in that time to find new solutions and challenges in their work. But the President of the Japan Graphic Designers Association, Inc. (JAGDA) Yusaku Kamekura has accomplished this and more in his lifetime. Kamekura was born on April 6, 1915 in Japans…

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Wim Crouwel – TDC Medalist

Wim Crouwel - TDC Medalist

In 1955, Crouwel opened an office with Kho Liang Ie and worked in the fields of exhibition, graphic, and product design. He later co-founded Total Design, a multi-disciplinary design firm that served many prestigious clients, such as the Dutch Post Office (PTT) and Schiphol Airport. During the 1960s his work was widely published in international…

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Willy Fleckhaus – ADC Hall of Fame

Willy Fleckhaus - ADC Hall of Fame

When Willy Fleckhaus died suddenly of a heart attack in September of 1983, the design world lost one of its most innovative and stimulating citizens. Born in Velbert, Germany in 1925, Willy Fleckhaus began his career as a trained journalist and editor. During the 1950’s, he wrote for and edited many publications specializing in various…

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William Taubin – ADC Hall of Fame

William Taubin - ADC Hall of Fame

You don’t have to be Jewish to love Bill Taubin or his work. But certainly Mr. Levy of Levy’s Jewish Rye loves Bill Taubin. Bill’s campaign for the client not only sold a lot of bread but its slogan, which the art director also wrote in the mid-sixties, has become part of our contemporary speech.…

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William Golden – ADC Hall of Fame

William Golden - ADC Hall of Fame

Greatness, the bard tells us, comes in varying waysas a natural inheritance, as a mantle that comes with achievement, or as some unexpected bolt that falls, even upon the unworthy, with all the force of a divine command. Modern corporations are prone to identify greatness with soaring production charts and favorably balanced profit and loss…

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Willem Sandberg – ADC Hall of Fame

Willem Sandberg - ADC Hall of Fame

i am invited to write a statementabout my work, my life, my ideasmy philosophy, my hopes or my dreamsand i guessyou will get a little bit of everythinga graphic designeris somebody who brings orderinto graphic communicationsif possible he makes them attractivein order that the public takes noticea graphic designertries to condense communicationto make it more…

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Will Burtin – ADC Hall of Fame

Will Burtin - ADC Hall of Fame

Will Burtin was a formidable design talent who used his skills to explore the frontiers of science and thus took design itself to new frontiers. Consider a talent equally at home art directing the two-dimensional page ofFortuneor a three-dimensional walk-through exhibition model of the human brain. This was Will Burtin. A German typographer, designer and…

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Washington Olivetto – Creative Hall of Fame

Washington Olivetto - Creative Hall of Fame

Washington Olivetto is Chairman of WMcCann Brazil and Chief Creative Officer of McCann Worldgroup for Latin America and Caribbean.     One of the most awarded advertising creatives of all time, Mr. Olivetto is a global advertising icon and an immensely popular and influential fixture in Brazilian culture.    

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Walt Disney – ADC Hall of Fame

Walt Disney - ADC Hall of Fame

“I don’t pretend to know anything about art. I make pictures for entertainment and then the professors tell me what they mean.” Walt Disney left the academic analysis to the professionals and the popular analysis to his audiences. He knew what they liked and they loved what he did. Disney was a storyteller foremost who,…

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Wallace Elton – ADC Hall of Fame

Wallace Elton - ADC Hall of Fame

Shortly before graduating from Brown University, Wallace Elton was interviewed by N.W. Ayer’s legendary art director Vaughn Flannery. The youthful Elton was responding to a headline asking, “Have you ever thought of art directing as a profession?” In 1929 few people had, including Elton, who announced his desire to be a copywriter. “You can be…

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